Oliver Heron Purves
Major: International Relations
- Internship: House of Representatives

Tell us about your internship – what kind of work did you do? What did you find rewarding?
At this internship I interacted with constituents through answering their phone calls and emails and logging their messages. I responded to their opinions through form letters that involved researching policy to accurately respond. I assisted the legislative team with upcoming bills through connecting them with other offices, researching policy, locating members through their districts, and researching agricultural commodities and education opportunities in our district. The most rewarding part of this internship was getting to directly impact the community and to be involved with federal politics. I really enjoyed learning more about how government works at a national level and getting to assist with work that has a large impact.
Have your career or life goals changed as a result of your internship? If so, how?
Before this internship I was considering going straight into law school. This internship has drastically changed the career path I want to go into right out of college. From this internship I learned that I greatly enjoy working in government and that I find the working extremely important and fun. I enjoyed every second of my internship both good and bad and it made me realize that this is something I would love to do as a career. This internship provided me with another direction for my career that I hadn’t previously given much thought to. It has changed my perspective so much that I am focused now on getting into this field right out of college.

Share an exciting memory from your internship – something unexpected, an accomplishment, someone you met.
One of the most exciting memories from this internship was getting to work the wine caucus events. I was assigned to work the front door and check off members and staffers who were coming in. Near the end of the event, Nancy Pelosi walked into the room. My congressman arranged for her to meet us and for us to get pictures with her. She asked us where we are from and we got to have a little conversation with her. Another exciting memory from this internship was getting to visit the house floor. Two of my legislative staff members took me to the house floor and sat with me their while I was able to ask them questions. It was an amazing experience to be in the room where critical national policy is made. Another exciting overall memory was the ability to actually work on policy that my congressman was going to put forward. It allowed me to be involved in important issues within my community and help with some of the important national level issues that Mike Thompson is involved with.
Did your internship lead to any opportunities?
This internship didn’t lead me to any job opportunities but it did allow me to create some valuable connections with staffers on my office and others who I made independent connections with. I was able to get a few people who would act as a reference for me and who would be able to point me in the right direction for upcoming government jobs. I was also able to have lots of networking meetings that allowed me to get a better sense of what jobs to apply for. I had many members of my office give me valuable advice for where to apply going forward and what the best way to go about those processes is.
Share a memory about something special you did in Washington.
One of my favorite experiences in Washington was getting to go to the national zoo. I love the zoo and getting to be able to walk in the park and look at these amazing animals was awesome. Another amazing experience was getting to go to the Udvar-Hazy air and space museum. That was by far my favorite Smithsonian exhibition so much so that I went twice. I really loved getting to play softball on the mall and just being able to walk around and go to a new museum or fun event every day.
How has living in the nation's capital for a quarter changed you?
Living in DC has changed me by showing me what life is like living in a whole new part of the country. Living in DC has shown be what it is like living in a city geared around impactful work. This experience has taught me a lot about being professional and forced me to grow up. The DC environment is one that fosters professionalism and productivity and I felt that I was able to adopt some of those qualities through my time hear. This experience has opened my mind to living in different places and made me more open to trying new experiences.

Do you have any advice for future UCDC students?
Living in DC has changed me by showing me what life is like living in a whole new part of the country. Living in DC has shown be what it is like living in a city geared around impactful work. This experience has taught me a lot about being professional and forced me to grow up. The DC environment is one that fosters professionalism and productivity and I felt that I was able to adopt some of those qualities through my time hear. This experience has opened my mind to living in different places and made me more open to trying new experiences.