Using Email Templates for Correspondence in Washington, D.C.
Need help crafting professional emails? We've got you covered! Below, you'll find email templates designed to help you communicate clearly and professionally with organizations in Washington, D.C.
Each template is a great starting point—feel free to personalize them to fit your style. Just click on a dropdown to view an example email. Keep in mind that subject lines are not included, so be sure to add one that fits your message.
And don’t forget to include your signature at the end of every email—it adds a nice personal touch!
- Accept Internship Offer
Here are some tips:
Address the internship coordinator by name if possible.
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:Thank you for the opportunity to intern with (INSERT Organization) this coming (INSERT Quarter). I am very happy to accept your offer and I look forward to working with you. I will be arriving in Washington, D.C. on (INSERT Month/Date) and will be available to begin the internship (INSERT Month/Date).
(Ask any questions you may have such as in regards to dress code or transportation. Thank them for the exciting opportunity and tell them you are happy to accept their offer and look forward to working with them.)Please let me know if there is any additional information you need or paperwork I am required to complete prior to my arrival in Washington, D.C.
Thank you,
(INSERT Full Name)
- Application Submission
Here are some tips:
If the internship posting does not tell you what to use as your email subject line, use this format: "Application for [specific quarter and year] [internship position] at [organization/company]".
Address the internship coordinator by name if possible. Be sure to list all of the application materials you have attached to the email.
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:My name is (INSERT FULL NAME) and I am currently a junior attending the University of California, Davis. I am participating in the UCDC program and will be residing in DC from (INSERT DATES).
Please accept my application for the (INSERT Quarter, Year) (INSERT POSITION) with (INSERT ORGANIZATION). I have attached the requested application documents to this message, including my resume, cover letter, list of references, and writing sample. I will be available to work from (INSERT START DATE) to (INSERT END DATE). Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Application Follow-Up
Here are some tips:
Address the internship coordinator by name if possible.
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:My name is (INSERT Full Name) and I am a (INSERT sophomore/junior/senior) attending the University of California, Davis. I submitted an application for the (INSERT internship position) with (INSERT Organization) during the (INSERT Quarter). I am writing to verify that you have received all of my materials required for the application.
If possible, I was also hoping to learn when you expect to start reviewing applications and selecting your interns for the (INSERT Quarter).
Thank you for your time.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Asking About Internship Availability
Here are some tips:
Use "Inquiring About Internship Availability" for your email subject line. Be sure to address internship coordinator by name if possible.
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith (Internship Coordinator Name) [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:My name is (INSERT Full Name) and I am currently a junior attending the University of California, Davis. I will be in Washington, D.C. in the (INSERT QUARTER) as a participant in the UC Davis Washington Program. I will be available to intern from Month XX to Month XX (Tell them the specific dates that you will be in DC and ask whether they offer an internship during this time, and if so, how to apply). Write a sentence or two expressing why you want to work for them specifically.
I am writing to inquire if (INSERT Organization) will be offering internships this coming (INSERT Quarter) and if so, how to apply. Your internship is of great interest to me, and I believe the opportunity to work with you would be highly beneficial. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Inquiring About Interning for a Researcher
Here are some tips:
For this type of email, you will be essentially writing your cover letter in the body of your email. Researchers are very busy people so you want to express right away why you want to work with them.
Sample Letter:
Dear (INSERT Researcher’s name):My name is (INSERT Full Name) and I am currently a junior attending the University of California, Davis. I will be in Washington, D.C. in the (INSERT QUARTER) as a participant in the UC Davis Washington Program.
I am writing to inquire about the potential to intern under your guidance and assist with your research. I greatly admire your past work, such as (INSERT past work). My prior experience has prepared me well to work in a research environment. (INSERT 3-4 sentences explaining past experience and what applicable skills you have). The opportunity to work with you in your research is invaluable to me, as I look up to you as an academic role model and hope to learn vital skills as your intern.
I have attached my resume, cover letter, and references to this email. I will be available to intern from (INSERT start date) to (INSERT end date). Thank you for your time and consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Have a great day!
(INSERT Full Name)- Confirm Interview
Sample Letter:
Confirm Interview Invitation:Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:
Thank you for your response. I look forward to speaking with you on (INSERT Date and Time).
I will call you at (INSERT Direct Phone Number).
Again, you can contact me on my phone at (INSERT Phone Number).
Have a great day.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Decline Internship Offer
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:Thank you for your time and consideration in my application and offering me (INSERT internship position) with (INSERT Organization) during the (INSERT Quarter). Regrettably, I am writing to decline your offer. I wish (INSERT Organization) the best in its endeavors to find the ideal candidate for the position.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Interview Invitation
Accept the Interview:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you (or INSERT Organization). I am excited to learn more about (INSERT Organization) and to discuss my qualifications and experiences.
I am available during the following times for an interview:
Monday, Nov 19th
9:00am–Noon EST (6:00‐9:00am PST) - Remember to specify Eastern Standard Time
Tuesday, Nov 20th
10:00am – 2:00pm EST (7:00‐11:00am PST)
My phone number is (INSERT Phone Number). I look forward to speaking with you soon.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Interview Follow-Up
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:
I enjoyed speaking with you on (INSERT DATE) and learning more about the opportunity to intern as the (INSERT internship position) with (INSERT Organization). I am writing to you today to check in regarding your application review process. I am still very interested in the position, and would be happy to provide any further materials to assist you in the revision process.
Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Politely Turn Down an Interview Invitation
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:Thank you for your offer to interview me for the (INSERT internship position). Unfortunately, I have decided to follow a different professional path at this time. I appreciate your time and consideration while reviewing my application. I enjoyed speaking with you and learning about (INSERT Organization).
Thank you again for your consideration.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Requesting a New Interview (in Case of Emergencies)
Here are some tips:
If an unforeseen emergency happens and you miss your interview, follow these tips to apologize and request a new interview time.
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Internship Coordinator:
Please accept my sincerest apologies for missing my interview with
[ORGANIZATION] on [Date, at Time]. I unfortunately experienced an
unforeseen emergency that prevented me from attending the interview.
A position with your organization would be invaluable to me, I would greatly
appreciate any consideration you may give in rescheduling my interview.
[Insert 2-3 sentences reasserting why you would be a good fit for the
Thank you for your understanding, and I hope to still speak with you in the near
future to further discuss my qualifications.
- Request More Information
Here are some tips:
Always try to call the organization to talk to them rather than sending this message.
Sample Letter:Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:
Thank you for the offer for the (INSERT internship position) with (INSERT Organization) during the (INSERT Quarter). To help me make an informed decision, can we arrange a time to further discuss the details of the internship position? Below are times I am available:
Monday, Nov 19th
9:00am–Noon EST (6:00‐9:00am PST)
Tuesday, Nov 20th
10:00am – 2:00pm EST (7:00‐11:00am PST)
If these times do not work for your schedule, please let me know a time that would work best to speak with you soon.
Thank you again for the offer and I look forward to hearing from you.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Networking Email
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith:
My name is (INSERT name), and I am a (school year) at the University of California, Davis. I’m currently a participant in the UCDC program and interning with (INSERT organization). (INSERT reference name) suggested I contact you. He thought that you would be in an excellent position to assist me with gathering career information. (Write a sentence or two about how you received their contact information and why you are contacting them specifically.)
I am currently studying (INSERT major), and am most interested in pursuing (INSERT multiple potential career fields, or graduate school) after graduation. I would greatly appreciate any advice about these fields, and would also like to hear more about the work that you perform from day to day in your current occupation.
If you are available to meet and talk, let me know your availability. I am able to meet whenever is most convenient for you. Thank you for considering my request, and I hope to talk soon.
(INSERT Full Name)- Receiving an offer when you need time to decide
Sample Email:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:Thank you for your offer for the (INSERT internship position) with (INSERT Organization) during (INSERT Quarter). I am very excited about this potential opportunity. When would you need to have my final decision?
(INSERT Full Name)
- Request More Time to Make Decision
Sample Email
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:
Thank you for your offer for the (INSERT internship position) with (INSERT Organization) during (INSERT Quarter). I am very excited about this potential opportunity, however, I am writing to see if there is any possible way I can have more time to make a decision about this opportunity. Would it be possible for me to let you know by [fill in specific date]?
Thank you for your time,(Insert full name)
- Thank You After Interview
Here are some tips:
If they asked you for additional documents (i.e. list of references) this is your place to include them, and mention that you have attached them to your email.
Sample Letter:
Dear Ms. Smith [OR] Dear Internship Coordinator:Thank you again for interviewing me for the (INSERT internship position) on (INSERT Date). I enjoyed learning more about (INSERT Organization) and how I could contribute as an intern. (Express your interest in the position once again and reassert that you believe your qualifications are a good match for the position in 2-3 sentences and explain why.) I have attached the document you requested during our conversation to this message (IF REQUESTED). Please let me know if you have any further questions about my application and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
(INSERT Full Name)
- Email Signature Line
- We encourage you to include these at the end of your emails so that employers can quickly find how to contact you if need be. Having an email signature will also help you appear more professional!
[Full name]
University of California, Davis
B.A./B.S. [Major]
[Phone number]