Position Title
Peer Advisor
Major: Political Science
UCDC Internship: Office of Congressman Eric Swawell
Bio: I started out my time in UC Davis thinking that I was going to be an engineering major however I ended up falling in love with the world of political science after I took an intro class into comparative politics. Since then, I have been pursuing a career in public service which led me to many great opportunities including interning for my State Assembly Member Mia Bonta and taking part of the UCDC program working under Congressman Swalwell. I hope to use the lessons I learned from professional experience to help my fellow students achieve the same success.
Why I Love My Role: Being a peer advisor is a dream campus job for me, because I get to help other students through sharing my experiences. I think that the long and short relationship a job like this can create is something I could never pass up on.
Why I Love the Washington Program: The UC Davis Washington Program is responsible for creating the best experiences throughout my college career. The memories in DC are unforgettable and I feel like the connections I made will last a lifetime.
Fun Facts:
- I have a close friend who goes to Davis also named Benicio