How to Write a Cover Letter

What is a Cover Letter Supposed to Do?

  • A cover letter is the first impression you will make on the hiring authority.
  • It is a place for you to illustrate why you would be an excellent candidate for the job.
  • It provides extra information that the hiring authority can not find in your resume.
  • It allows you to demonstrate that you can be articulate in a professional manner.

Cover Letter Structure

View our Cover Letter sample and/or our Cover Letter Template before beginning to see the general format.

  • Your address: Upper left-hand corner
  • Date: One space below your address in the upper left-hand corner
  • Employer Address: One space below the date on the left-hand side
  • Greeting Address: Make sure you address the coordinator formally
    • “Dear Ms./Mr./Dr. Last Name:” or, if you don't know the coordinator's name: "Dear Internship Coordinator:"
    • Use a colon and not a comma
  • Introductory Paragraph
    • Introduce yourself by giving your year, school and major.
    • Express that you are interested in applying for the position (be sure to reference the position by the official job title).
    • If you heard about the job through a personal contact, mention the person’s name.
    • Provide a brief explanation about why you are interested in this organization specifically and how interning for them fits into your future goals.
  • 2 Body Paragraphs
    • Write two independent, standalone body paragraphs. These paragraphs should not reference one another and should be interchangeable.
    • Each body paragraph should reference either: 
      1. Two completely different jobs/experiences
      2. Two completely different aspects of the same job/experience
    • Explain why you’re the right person for the job!
    • Give 1-2 examples of related experience that demonstrate that you possess the background and skills necessary for the internship.
    • Do not just write a laundry list of skills — provide a narrative of how you used those skills that the organization deems important
    • Tie the skills you showed through your examples back to how it will be helpful to the employer for the specific internship position
    • This is a space to greatly expand upon what the hiring authority can read in your resume
  • Concluding Paragraph
    • State that you are a participant of the "University of California UCDC Program" and the specific dates you will be available to intern. The first available date you are able to intern is always the Tuesday after arrival in DC.
    • Provide them with a phone number and email where they can easily reach you.
    • Tell them that you look forward to hearing from them and reiterate your interest in the position.
  • Closing Greeting/Signature
    • Use greetings such as “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” “Best wishes,” etc.
    • Skip one line and type your name at the end of the page in lieu of a signature.

Helpful Hints

  • Be sure to edit the cover letter for every organization that you apply to — this will let the employer know that you did your research into their organization!
    • You want to demonstrate that you know more than the average applicant about their organization.
    • Read the position description before writing every cover letter and decide which of the employer’s desired skills you will discuss.
  • Use the same font and style for your cover letter as you used for your resume.
  • Address your cover letter to a specific individual or hiring authority.
  • Keep it to one page in length – the hiring authority shouldn’t feel overwhelmed when reading it.
  • Always check for spelling and grammar mistakes! Send us your cover letter when you are done to review it for you.