Olivia Osier
Major: Economics
- Internship: Intern at McAllister & Quinn LLC
- Participated: Spring 2019
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/oliviaosier
- Current Position: Tax Associate at KPMG US

Tell us about your internship. What kind of work did you do? What did you find rewarding?
During my time interning with McAllister & Quinn LLC, my responsibilities included researching and developing memos, business development profiles, and abstracts for McAllister & Quinn and shared with clients. I gained exposure to federal and foundation funding mechanisms through grant research and tracking of agency activities and announcements.
I found my time as an intern for McAllister & Quinn LLC to be extremely rewarding and a significant contributor to my time in D.C. I was able to work alongside many teams in hands-on projects and experience a variety of practice areas within government affairs.
Have your career or life goals changed as a result of your internship? If so, how?
McAllister & Quinn LLC has absolutely opened my mind to considering returning to D.C. once I graduate in June 2020. Interning in D.C. was my first experience working in government affairs with a consulting culture, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Through networking and bonding with coworkers at McAllister & Quinn LLC, I gained connections that have offered to help me with my job search for when I graduate.
How has living in the nation's capital for a quarter changed you? Before living in D.C., working in the nation's capital felt almost surreal. Then, every day on my walk to work, I was able to see the White House and it all became very real. Our country is not perfect, but after living in the heart of the capital, I do feel very proud to be a U.S. citizen.

Share an exciting memory from your internship about something unexpected that happened while you were in D.C.
I had the opportunity to join McAllister & Quinn on a Hill Day representing a client to California Representative's offices. The client was in the business of aerial firefighting to protect and give firefighters support to put fires out faster. It was an amazing experience because I was able to see M&Q represent a client who's work directly affects my home state, California. It was a behind the scenes view into how organizations gain contact with Representatives and how those meetings take place. It was an experience that was unexpected, but I appreciate it because it allowed me to learn more about the system of our government.
What advice would you give to students entering internships in Washington D.C.?
Take full advantage of every experience you are offered. Go on as many informational interviews as you can. Use your professors and mentors as tools for advice and guides of the city.