Laura Rideout
Major: Political Science
- Internship: Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies Center on Politics and Foreign Relations
- LinkedIn:
- Current Position: Attorney at Preti Flaherty
How has your experience with the Washington Program affected your career trajectory?
My Washington Program experience gave me the opportunity to live in a large city and test out one path I had been considering, the pursuit of a graduate degree in Political Science or International relations. I was also given the opportunity to meaningfully consider many different careers, not only based on my own internship experience but also based on comparison with the other students participating in the Washington Program.
How have your career goals evolved since your participation in the Washington Program?
After participating in the Washington Program I had the confidence to start the process of applying for law school. Had I not participated in the program and gained a broader perspective on the career options available to me as well as my interests, I would have felt more unsure about which type of graduate program to pursue.
Describe what you are currently doing, and how your experiences in DC relate to your current position.
I am currently a litigation attorney. I represent clients in complex litigation including environmental, antitrust, intellectual property, commercial disputes, and professional liability matters. I also represent clients in connection with regulatory environmental enforcement actions. I have a breadth of experience preparing expert and fact witnesses for deposition and trial, taking and defending depositions, and developing case strategy. My experience in the Washington Program has served me well as an attorney, especially the opportunity to hone my writing skills and to network at a lot of prestigious events. I frequently travel to DC for work, so it is also nice to be familiar with the city.
What advice do you have for future Washington Program participants?
While I enjoyed my internship, I regret never having worked on Capitol Hill. I didn't spend enough time evaluating all of the internship options available to me. I urge those considering participation in the Washington Program to spend a lot of time carefully reviewing all of the available options and to choose wisely!
Be prepared to form long-lasting bonds and relationships when you participate in this program!