Julia Perez

Julia Perez

Major: Political Science - Public Service

  • Internship: House of Representatives - Ami Bera
Julia Perez

Tell us about your internship – what kind of work did you do? What did you find rewarding?

I did work ranging from writing policy memos to letters or I would answer the phones. The most rewarding part was being able to help a staffer with a task or help a constituent.

Share an exciting memory from your internship – something unexpected, an accomplishment, someone you met. 

My favorite part was going to hearings! I loved getting to learn more about a specific topic and hearing different perspectives on them.

How did your work relate to your career or educational goals?

I want to pursue a career in policy so by working in a Congressional office, I got to see firsthand how legislation is drafted and how issues are discussed. It gave me better insight into what career path I might want to take in the future.

Did your internship lead to any opportunities?

I have been able to network a bunch while at my internship which once I graduate I believe it can help me to grow my opportunities in the future.

Share a story about something special you did in Washington – an event you attended, a place you went, an exciting talk, etc. 

Julia Perez

Something that I was fortunate enough to experience was going onto the balcony of the Capitol that is used for various events. It was really cool to see the entire DC mall and see a great view of D.C.

How has living in the nation's capital for a quarter changed you?

I think it has helped me to be more outgoing and more willing to ask for help!

Do you have any advice for future UCDC students?

Just be super willing to learn and grow while in DC. Dont be afraid to go to events or ask for help. Everyone in DC is willing to help you grow your career and professionally.

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