Jack Manly
Major: History
- Internship: Political Violence Lab

Tell us about your internship – what kind of work did you do? What did you find rewarding?
For the most part, I travelled to the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. While at the Archives, I read through documents dating back to the First Gulf War, looking for evidence of unexploded cluster munitions that might still be in the area so that they could be reported to an on-the-ground organization for cleanup. What I found the most rewarding was the knowledge about the war that I gained from my research.
Share an exciting memory from your internship – something unexpected, an accomplishment, someone you met.
I managed to locate multiple instances of unexploded cluster munitions, which was really exciting, as it was essentially the holy grail for me.
Did your internship lead to any opportunities?
Working as a researcher at the Archives was an opportunity in it of itself. Research opportunities like this are wonderful resume boosters, especially for future post-grad or doctoral program applications.
Share a story about something special you did in Washington – an event you attended, a place you went, an exciting talk, etc.

It wasn't in Washington, per se, but it was in the DMV. On a few occasions, I journeyed out to Chantilly, Virginia to visit the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum. It's easily my favorite museum that I've been to and I whole-heartedly recommend it to anyone!
How has living in the nation's capital for a quarter changed you?
I think it's given me a greater understanding of really just how our nation runs both on a large and small scale. It's also led me to be more confident with public transit, something that I think will benefit me in the long run.
Do you have any advice for future UCDC students?
Carpe diem. Seize the day! If an opportunity comes your way, snatch it as quick as you can — it may not come your way again.