
Isabel Delgado-Betz

Major: Sociology


 Tell us about your internship – what kind of work did you do? What did you find rewarding?

Every day at the CHC was something different, one minute the interns would be working on a policy analysis for the FAA authorization bill, and the next we would be running to the Capitol to take notes during Farm Bill Roundtables. At the CHC, I was always working on different projects that were administrative, legislative or media-based. We staffed Presser events on inhumane treatment at the border, sat in on Business meetings with Astronauts, or met with White House Staff on collaborations with the CHC members to meet with the President. With an extremely small staff, as an intern I had a lot of opportunities to get a hands-on experience in how Congress operates, beyond the constituent aspect. We did not just work for 1 Congressional Member but 42, so interning for the CHC was truly a unique experience in itself.


Have your career or life goals changed as a result of your internship? If so, how? 

I decided to move to D.C permanently, I am trying to go into non-profit or private sector/lobbying.

Share an exciting memory from your internship – something unexpected, an accomplishment, someone you met. 

I got to meet Bill Nelson (NASA Administrator), Gina Raimondo (Secretary of Commerce) and so many other prominent figures in the federal government space, it was truly a unique experience where I was heavily involved in legislative processes and the political realm.

Did your internship lead to any opportunities?

My supervisors helped and recommended me towards certain industries and jobs I can apply for, while providing their experiences in navigating the job market in D.C.


Share a story about something special you did in Washington – an event you attended, a place you went, an exciting talk, etc. 

I was part of a presser event hosted by Rep. AOC and Chairwoman Barragan at the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court right before the ban on student loan forgiveness. It was my second day working on the Hill so it was completely surreal. I was also able to attend a protest led by Rep. Greg Casar at the steps of the Capitol. He was leading a water strike for the workers in Texas who lost their right to have water breaks. We got to protest with him in solidarity alongside other CHC members, Senators, and Members of Congress.

How has living in the nation's capital for a quarter changed you?

I love it here, and am so excited to start my post-grad life here!

Do you have any advice for future UCDC students?

Advocate for yourself, do not be afraid to ask for feedback and help. Find projects that interest you and step up to initiate new ideas and perspectives.

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