
Campbell Buffington

Major: Political Science

  • Internship: Bipartisan Policy Center

Tell us about your internship – what kind of work did you do? What did you find rewarding?

As a Communications Intern at the Bipartisan Policy Center, I compiled press lists for various policy areas and topics. I also drafted press pitches for events, blogs, or other important information, and got the opportunity to draft both a press release and blog!

Have your career or life goals changed as a result of your internship? If so, how? 

I had no idea really what I wanted to do with my degree until this internship. I absolutely loved my experience and realized that working in media relations/journalism is something that I want to pursue post-grad. This opportunity also made me realize the value a gap year (or more) can add to your life post-grad, as you navigate exactly what works and what doesn't before you commit to a career path.

Share an exciting memory from your internship – something unexpected, an accomplishment, someone you met. 

I got the opportunity to network and meet so many incredible people during my internship, which helped me narrow down what I might want to pursue as a career post-grad. I learned about how each of the Communications team members got to where they are, and in turn they gave me really valuable advice for both college and post-grad in terms of looking for future internships, interviews, and potential careers.

Did your internship lead to any opportunities?

I had the incredible honor of leading a press briefing on a new area of interest for our think tank. I learned what types of questions reporters had for us and the general format of briefings for future reference.


Share a story about something special you did in Washington – an event you attended, a place you went, an exciting talk, etc. 

One of my favorite things I did was with my internship, where we participated in the VOLO kickball/flip cup league. Every Wednesday, we would meet on the National Mall and play kickball against other organizations/think tanks in front of the Washington Monument, and then played flip cup outside of one of the oldest bars in DC. It was such a fun experience and made me feel like a local.

How has living in the nation's capital for a quarter changed you?

I had an idea that I wanted to move to DC one day, and after living here for a quarter, I now know that there is absolutely nowhere else I see myself but here in the nation's capital. I am amazed at how connected the city is, and the incredible opportunities it presents to you every day. I am so excited to move back after I graduate.

Do you have any advice for future UCDC students?

Don't waste a weekend. Make a bucket list of places and things you want to experience during your time. Make a photo album on your phone and fill it up with as many memories as possible to look back on.

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