Nadia Gheorghiu
Major: Political Science - Public Service
- Internship: The NewDEAL
- Participated: Summer 2022
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nadia-gheorghiu-839440242

Tell us about your internship – what kind of work did you do? What did you find rewarding?
I worked for a non-profit called the NewDEAL which is a network of local and state level government officials. We help connect them to each other as well as resources and funding. I was able to do a little bit of everything and help on a lot of projects. The main thing I did was track how our leaders were using ARPA funding and summarizing news clips about it in a database. I also used these clips and other stories to write a weekly newsletter about what our leaders were doing. I managed the instagram and made daily posts about our leaders, newsletters, podcast episodes, and more! I also helped with research for nominees for our Summer class which is being chosen soon.
Have your career or life goals changed as a result of your internship? If so, how?
Yes, I would say that this summer helped give me a lot of insight into what I want to do in the future. I always considered working in public service, but wanted to go to law school straight out of undergrad. However, after multiple informational interviews with my coworkers and people I met in DC, I want to take a year or two after I graduate to either come back to DC or work in the Bay Area so that I can try out different opportunities. Being in the heart of politics in such a momentous summer was really inspiring and I would love to come back!
Share an exciting memory from your internship – something unexpected, an accomplishment, someone you met.
I think the best memory of the program was all of the people I was able to meet from other UC campuses. I made friends on day one from Davis, UCSB, UCLA, and UCR who ended up being my close friends for the two months I was there and beyond. I would say this was unexpected because I was nervous when I first got to the program, but they made the time there special. (Also, the most famous person I met was probably on my first day there which was the Cacio E Pepe lady from tiktok)
Did your internship lead to any opportunities?
Yes, I was able to meet a lot of new people and connect with people in politics which was fun. Everyone I met was really interested in helping me by giving career advice and talking about their experiences which I think helped me figure out what I want to do after school. I think if you put yourself out there, opportunities will come and you just have to be willing to try new things with new people.
Share a story about something special you did in Washington – an event you attended, a place you went, an exciting talk, etc.
I think my favorite day in DC this summer was the Fourth of July. I was really excited to celebrate it in DC because I said it was the most American Fourth I have ever had. I had not really celebrated the Fourth of July in a traditional sense in the last few years so it was really cool to be in DC for it. My friends and I watched the National Parade and then went to a really good restaurant called Busboys and Poets. Then we went back to the center and hung out with our neighbors who convinced us to go to the firework show 3-4 hours early. We were planning to go later that night, but I am so glad we left with them because we ended up having the best time ever. There were these kids playing a game with soccer balls, footballs, and water guns where they just made it up as they went and they asked us to join them. We ran around in the grass for probably over 2 hours with them and played spike ball for a bit which was the most fun I have had in a while. We all said that we never have the time to just be blissful like children and run around like that so this is something I will cherish forever. We watched the fireworks behind the Washington Monument and it was just beautiful!
How has living in the nation’s capital for a quarter changed you?
Oh definitely! I think going to school at UC Davis has helped me grow, but it was still always comfortable because I am from the Bay Area and had a car to get around Davis. Going to a new city where you do not know that many people and have to figure out how to get around was really helpful. I finally was able to spread my own wings in really new scenarios and I also made a lot of unforgettable memories. I made friends that I grew really close to and I fell in love with a new city and made it my home!
Do you have any advice for future UCDC students?
Just have fun! You are so lucky to be in such a good location in an amazing city so cherish your time there. Even on weeknights we would find something to do. Also, look for free intern events! Sometimes there are speaker events with free dinner or networking events that are super cool to go to.