Natalie Crowley

Natalie with ivy and redwood trees in the background

Position Title
Social Media and Communications Manager


Major: Global Disease Biology

Bio: My name is Natalie Crowley and I am originally from Redding California. 

I enjoy spending my free time exploring new places and being spontaneous with my friends, there is never a dull moment when we’re together. 

As a global disease biology student I am aiming to pursue a career in public health! I first discovered my passion for healthcare communications and advocacy when volunteering as an EMT, witnessing healthcare disparities first hand within my rural community.

I am also highly involved on campus, participating in a variety of clubs and activities, so there’s a good chance you’ll run into me while participating in one of my various roles. For example, I am currently a research assistant for the Communication in Health and Technology Research (CHATR) lab in the department of communications, and am also the vice president of Mental Advocacy Health Initiative (MAHI) , a student-run advocacy group and club on campus.

I chose this role because I am interested in social media, marketing, and communication. I was also inspired by the Washington Program’s goal to help students earn experience in their chosen field alongside industry leaders, advocates, researchers, policy makers and more!