Mallika Hari

Mallika Hari

Position Title
Lead Student Manager


I am a fourth-year Political Science Public Service major with a minor in Public Health. UC Davis has enabled me to pursue a variety of opportunities which allow me to combine my passions in advocacy work with academia and career-oriented projects. Some of these initiatives include being a Research Assistant, Senator for ASUCD, and a Peer Advisor for the Washington Program. I participated in the Washington Program in Fall 2022, and had the enriching experience of interning for the American Public Health Association while taking an engaging seminar course on Washington Media and Politics. The internship allowed me to discover my desire to work in the public health policy and equity field in my future! As an alumni of the program, I am incredibly excited to be supporting and guiding students through the Washington Program process. I believe the program to be a key professional development opportunity, which enhances any student's college experience in a multitude of ways! As the Lead Student Advising Manager, I hope to ensure that all students feel supported by our team and reach their full potential within the Washington Program. Go Aggies!